We are a creditable public company(stock code:002598) with over 50 years of history(since 1968) to research and produce Blowers,Slurry pump and Centrifugal Fans,and have become one of the most important Blowers and Fans manufacturers in the world.

Privacy & Cookie Policies

We collect data that you provide to us, data about your interactions with us, and product usage data. Some of this data is provided directly by you, and other data is collected by us through your interactions with, and use of and experience with, the Products. The data we collect depends on the context in which you interact with us, the choices you make, including your privacy settings, and the products and features you use. We also obtain data about you from third parties. If you represent an organization that utilizes our Enterprise and Developer Products, such as a business or a school, please see the Enterprise and Developer Products section of this Privacy Statement for information on how we process your data. If you are an end-user of an Us Account provided by one of our products or organizations, please see this Us Accounts for Products Provided by Organizations section for more information. You can make different choices about the technology you use and the data you share. When we ask you for personal data, you can refuse. Many of our products require you to provide certain personal data in order to provide services to you. If you choose not to provide the data required for a particular product or feature, you will not be able to use that product or feature. Similarly, if we are required by law to collect personal data and you do not provide it, then we may not be able to provide you with convenient services. We will notify you if this is the case. Where data provision is not mandatory, if you choose not to share personal data, then you will not be able to use features (such as personalization features) that require the provision of such data.

We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our website, including through social media connections, and to deliver personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you decline an optional cookie, we will only use cookies that are necessary to serve you.